The Dorset Down Sheep Breeders’ Association Data Privacy Notice

The Dorset Down Sheep Breeders’ Association (DDSBA) collects and processes personal information about its members. This information is gathered to enable the Association to provide its members with membership and registration services.
How we obtain, control and process data
The Association obtains controls and processes members’ data by consent. Members are asked annually to give consent for their data to be used for all or any of the following purposes:
a) For membership services
b) For sheep registration services
c) For distribution to the membership in printed form as part of the annual flock book
d) For giving to members of the public or organisations making enquiries about the purchase of
sheep or sheep products

How we use this information:

  • The Association only processes information necessary to establish or maintain membership or support or to facilitate the operation of the flock book and sheep registrations
  • The Association only processes information necessary to provide or administer activities for purposes a) and d) above
  • The Association only shares the information with people and organisations necessary to carry out the Association’s activities, and only when the data subject (information owner) has given consent

  • The data we control and process:
    DDSBA holds the following personal and other data of members in digital and/or printed form:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Date of birth for members under 16 years of age
  • UK Flock Number
  • CPH Holding Number
  • DDSBA Flock Number and Prefix
  • DDSBA Annual Flock Return data
  • Gift Aid form

  • Sharing Data:
    For the purpose of registering sheep. The Association shares members’ data with Grassroots Systems Ltd who provide registration software. Processing of members’ data is under the control of The Dorset Down Sheep Breeders’ Association.

Changing your consent:
You may change your consent to the Association’s processing of your data at any time by contacting the Secretary.

Your right of access:
You may ask for a record of your data held by the Association and how it has been shared and processed by contacting the Secretary.

Your right of erasure
You may ask for your data to be deleted at any time by contacting the Secretary. You need to understand that some of your data (your name, Flock Number and Prefix and your UK Flock Number) will remain permanently as part of the continuous flock book record for Dorset Down Sheep.

The Secretary can be contacted at
If you have any enquiries in relation to this notice please contact the Secretary.

The Association has a Data Protection Policy which sets out the security arrangements for personal data. Copies may be obtained from the Secretary.

Further advice and information is available from the Information Commissioner’s Officer,

1 May 2024
Registered Charity No. 238688

Company Registration 84799